Many people are under the mistaken impression that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is only about acupuncture. Actually, TCM includes: acupuncture, massage, Chinese Herbs, Nutritional therapy, and Qigong.
Nutritional therapy is one of the most important and least costly ways to restore and maintain health. Nutritional Counseling is provided as an integral part of our clinical practice because we believe that the most potent medicines that our patients can consume are the foods they eat everyday. You may be surprised to learn that certain foods that western diet experts consider good for you, from a TCM perspective, can actually be detrimental to your long term health. For example, many people think it’s better to eat raw foods because cooking can destroy nutrients. But raw foods can be harder to digest. Good nutrition = diet + digestion. It doesn’t matter if you eat the most wholesome, organic food if your digestion is weak. So eating raw foods might be good for those who have a strong digestive system, but contraindicated for those who don’t.
We assess the kinds of foods and beverages you should consume for optimal health based on a detailed analysis of your overall condition. In Chinese medicine, one size doesn’t fit all. Our dietary prescriptions are aimed at increasing your energy levels, boosting your immune system, and improving your overall health. We will also help you control your weight if this is a problem for you.
Many people want to lose weight, but are confused by all the conflicting advice about what to eat. Most of the popular diets that people try don’t work because they ignore one of the most essential keys to weight loss: managing stress. Stress wreaks havoc on your digestive system. When your digestive system is weak, you can’t efficiently process the food you eat.
Our six week program for weight loss includes not only guidance on food choices, but also guidance on ways to reduce stress. We have a special acupuncture protocol to strengthen your digestive system and, if appropriate, can prescribe an herbal formula to help you lose weight safely.
Please click on this link for an explanation on how to “Eat Smart & Stay Healthy” based on the principles of Chinese medicine.
Dr. Lee gave a talk on “Food as Medicine” at the Spring Forest Qigong 2021 “Master of Qi” conference. Click this link to the video presentation.
Recommended reading:
“A Natural Guide to Weight Loss” by Nan Lu offers a clear explaination of TCM dietary principles.
“Healing with Whole Foods” by Paul Pitchford is a comprehensive reference that integrates Eastern and Western traditions. It includes information on vitamins and minerals, and has food recipes to treat a variety of diseases.
“The Tao of Nutrition” by Maoshing Ni describes 130 common foods that can be used to address common health problems, from allergies to ulcers.
“The Tao of Healthy Eating” by Bob Flaws explains how TCM diagnoses illnesses, and what types of food can help rebalance the body.